Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Horizontes compartidos

    En Madagascar y Mongolia, frente a un escenario que combina la crisis climática con otros desafíos ambientales que van en aumento, las comunidades locales de pescadores, pastores o campesinos promueven la cogestión de los recursos naturales como estrategia efectiva de conservación y adaptación. A través de la organización comunitaria y el diálogo con las instituciones, se logra mejorar su capacidad de respuesta ante las condiciones climáticas extremas, lo que contribuye a aumentar su resiliencia ante las transformaciones ambientales, económicas y sociales.

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  • How Mongolia's nomads are adapting to climate change

    Mongolia’s nomadic, pastoral families are banding together to strengthen their resilience in the face of climate change. With their economic livelihoods dependent on livestock production, they feel the effects of warming temperatures more than many. By combining their resources and communally managing their pastures, they’ve been able to be less vulnerable to severe weather.

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  • Madagascar: No more fish? We'll farm seaweed instead

    Adapting to climate change in coastal areas means adjusting local fishing and cultivation practices. Residents of Velondriake, a locally managed marine area in southern Madagascar, have introduced seaweed and algae farming as an alternative to fishing. With the help of Blue Ventures, an NGO based in the UK, and the University of Toliara, residents are monitoring their ecosystem and finding new markets for their harvests.

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  • Smong: The Tsunami Story

    Ten years after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, researchers are looking at how one community used traditional cultural knowledge to avoid major casualties.

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